I think that 15mm is the perfect scale for Star Wars battles. With that in mind I have been picking up some proxies!
For Stormtroopers there are a couple of places that made them in 15mm. They are knock offs and aren't quite perfect, but they look great for the role.
The best ones that I have seen were created by Highlander Studios as a charity sale. I don't think that these are being made still.
Highlander Studios. |
The detail on these is incredible. I am still working on finishing painting them, but wanted to post up some pics. Unfortunately, I only have 20 of them...
Another company is still making these. (If you need the info, then let me know and I will send it to you).
They aren't as well detailed, but they are good with some nice variety.
Comparing them
Unfortunately they do not mix well at all. The second company are quite small compared to the first.
Giants vs Dwarves! |
Imperial Army Troopers
Ground Zero makes outstanding figures. These are from their
Brethren of The New Light range. I think they fit perfectly for the Imperial Army figures that I have seen.
The big question though is how do the compare...
The Highlander Studios are larger, but not by much. (The Stormtrooper on the left has a base. The Imperial army trooper does not) The other one is a little closer in scale, but the GZG troop is much bulkier. Not quite happy with the way any of them mix!
Rebel Fleet Troopers
For the Rebels I went back to Ground Zero Games and got their
Islamic Federation Army with the helmets. I thought that the helmets looked close enough to the Star Wars Rebels from the first movie.
Once more they are great looking figures. GZG makes very nice figures. They have a good deal of variety which makes me quite happy!
Here is a comparison of the stormtroopers with the rebels.
I have already ordered more from Ground Zero Games. I am expanding my Imperial Army Troopers, and my Rebels. I am trying some of the others for commando or army type troops.
Now for vehicles
The big reason for smaller scale Star Wars is to get vehicles in the game. Here are a few things that I have on hand.
This is the Micro Machines Fleet Scale AT-AT
I think it is a little smaller than it should be. However, for now it is close enough. I think the best fit would be the old Ertl or AMT model, but they are hard to find, and a bit expensive. If I find one cheap enough I may try it out.
Speeder Bike.
These are the Micro Machines Speeders. They fit almost perfectly!
"You go that way to the old farmhouse and turn right. You'll find the rebels there. I promise." |
For fighters the old Micro Machines Fleet scale work great.
A long time ago I found this toy that I wanted when I was a kid. It has 2 Anti Infantry guns from Hoth. They seem a little big, but for now they work...
There will be more to come!