I haven't done any posts in a while, so I wanted to add my latest project.

I have been working on some buildings for 15mm wargames. These buildings are supposed to be wattle and daub type construction.
The first houses are under construction. They are made with balsa wood, and basswood strips glued on for the frames. I have been experimenting with different ways to do thatch roofs. This is spackling compound textured with a brush. We will see how it looks when painted.

These next buildings are similar. I found some basswood that was shaped like clapboard siding and thought that it would make acceptable shingles. For one of the houses I am using cork boards as stone foundation. It has a good texture, and I am hoping that it paints up well enough.

This last one is a partially painted building. It is the largest of the bunch and will represent a small inn. The extension is made with balsa and scored to look like wood planks. For some reason I can't get those fine details to show up in this picture. When I get finished I will set up a photo booth and see if I can get a better picture when I use better lighting.
I'm having fun with these and am very pleased with the results so far. I will post more info as they are finished!