Friday, December 6, 2019

Star Wars 6mm Clone Wars Droids

My Star Wars 6mm quest continues.

I found a person that does Star Wars on Shapeways.  He has a pretty good number of items available right now, all scaled to 6mm.

I prefer the Rebellion era myself, but he has a lot of different items for Clone Wars era.  I decided to buy some to test.  I bought some Battle Droids from Shapeways.  I bought in the smooth, detailed plastic.  I have ordered in the cheaper materials before, but it was a bit grainy.  I think the smooth, detailed looks better.

I am pretty impressed with the details of the droids.  It is hard to do these in 6mm because they have some small parts.  He did a good job of catching enough detail to see them, without making them brittle.

One of my favorite things about them is that there is a lot of variants.  There are several infantry variants, then there are command variants.  Those include guys with binoculars, ones with light repeating blasters (or sniper rifles if you prefer), and rocket launchers.

The only negative complaint that I have is that the sprue that connects them is a little thick and challenging to cut.  I ended up breaking a few of the miniatures when I tried to cut them apart.

Next, I found out that he made some tanks and sold them on eBay.  He printed these himself.  They come in multi parts and require assembly.  It is a little challenging to assemble.  For instance, the turret is three pieces.  There is an upper part and lower part of the hull, then there is the gun.  The body has two parts, the front and the back.  (I should have fixed the joint on this, but didn't realize it was that bad until I painted it).  The two side guns are each two parts and are small.  If you use magnifying glasses they are much easier to assemble.

One of the challenges with assembling them is that they are printed in a translucent resin, and they are pretty small, so it is hard to match up the joints.  Once I started using magnifying glasses it went much better.

1 comment:

  1. Hi,
    I would like to know the price of the imperial stormtroopers and how much to send to Ireland
