Here are a few painted up. My painting skill isn't perfect, but I think these came out pretty well.
I have been using Ground Zero Games 15mm Stargrunt figs for my rebels. They have some that make good proxies for Rebel Fleet Troops.
The Stormtroopers are found here...
Wakes Emporium on Shapeways
The Good...
There are a ton of varieties of the Stormtroopers. The details are quite good, and the weapons as well as uniforms are easy to make out. There are standard troopers as well as officers and heavy weapons. One that I would like to see, but isn't there yet is a tripod mounted heavy blaster.

The Bad...
The price! Shapeways is somewhat expensive to buy from. I use these for Star Wars Miniatures Battles, so you need 3-10 squads of them, and it starts to add up after a bit.
I would also like to see other figs added in. It would be great to have some Imperial Officers as well as scout troopers. As far as the sculpting goes, I can't find any negatives about them!
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