Splintered Light http://www.splinteredlightminis.com/
Splintered Light Miniatures has a great range of figures, and is quickly becoming my favorite company for fantasy figs. I just wish that they could somehow get hold of the old Demonworld figs! Splintered Light has two range of dwarves, the Dark Dwarves and the Splintered Lands Dwarves. The Splintered Land dwarves are incredible, and I bought some last year, only to find out that they were HUGE, so in a previous review, I placed some pictures of the dwarves, and David McBride of Splintered Light read my review, and offered to send some samples of the Dark Dwarves. I was expecting 1 or 2 figs, but he sent me 8 of the little fellows! The dwarves are well sculpted, and have pretty good details for their size. Some of the designs are not to my taste for dwarves, but they are all well done. In this picture are 2 dwarves with a Splintered Light Goblin, a Demonworld Elf, and an Old Glory Byzantine trooper.
Chariot Miniatures (Magister Militum) http://www.navigatorminiatures.com/default.asp
The next range that I have is from Chariot Miniatures. I bought mine from Magister Militum in the UK, and shipping to the US was reasonable and very quick. I ordered some dwarves and some halflings. The first thing to look at are the dwarves. I bought pack "SBB05 Swords, Axes, halberd". This pack had 3 different dwarves. One with and axe, one with a sword, and one with a halberd. The sculpting is fairly good, but I would like to have more variants. These dwarves are the smallest of all of the dwarves I have, and I may use them as gnomes.
I also bought 2 packs of halflings. One pack of swords, and one pack of archers. The Swords had three variants, and the bows had 2 variants. These are more of a cartoon quality, like the chubby hobbits described in "The Hobbit". The sculpting was well done, and the figs look pretty nice.
The figs in the pic are: Splintered Light - Splintered Lands Dwarf, Blood Axe, Black Raven Foundry, Can't remember who this is - I think it is Irregular or Tin Soldier, Essex, Chariot, Splintered Light - Dark Dwarf, Mighty Armies, Peter Pig, and Tabletop (15mm.co.uk)
Legio Heroica http://www.legio-heroica.com/index-en.html

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